Ruhiger Sommer im Garten in Geras





Daino organizes a site as a tree

The web pages are structured as a tree and collected in a directory tree. (pdf)


Principle: The structure of the site and the structure of it is stored representation should correspond

A web site is presented as pages of hyper-text with links between the pages(Berners-Lee, Hendler, and Lassila 2001). This logical structure is represented as files and the whole site is collected under a root directory.

The mapping between rendered web pages and the files representing them is crucial in the design:

Each web page is stored as a markdown file.Additional material can be stored in files in a resources directory.

Each web page in a site is written as a markdown file, which the generator transforms to a HTML file which can be rendered. The structure of the source (dough) of the web page is parallel to the directory structure of the baked homepage, which can be served by a web server and rendered by a browser.

A markdown page can call for additional material and link to other renderable pages not produced from a markdown page.

Tree structure

The web site starts with a single pageOften called landing page.

from which all other pages can reached in a tree structure.

The web pages are stored as files in directories. The directory tree starts with the root (here dainoSite/dough) which contains all the source text for the web pagesIt contains an additional file settingsNN.yaml, currently settings3.yaml for the site.


Directories store only files and additional information for the presentation of the directory as web page is necessary. For each directory an index.md file is added which comments on the directories content and the list of directories is rendered.

Additional content can be stored in resources directoriesWhich must be called resources, allother directories are assumed to be conent directories!

Correspondence between presentation and storage

The source for web pages, and the web pages in HTML formate are stored in a parallel directory structure and correspond to the structure of the web site visible to the user.


Berners-Lee, Tim, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila. 2001. β€œThe Semantic Web.” Scientific American 284 (5): 28–37.
Produced with `daino` from ReadMe/03tree.html (public, publish) with master7tufte.dtpl.
daino and w3.css