Ruhiger Sommer im Garten in Geras





010 WithReference

Example with references from the standard bibliography. (pdf)


References from standard biblio

References from a bib text file which is stored in resources/BibTexLatex.bib, listed under bibliography, but not included as default value. It MUST be listed in each md file which uses referencesInclude also the `reference-section-title which fits to the language of the text!

References in markdown are in [..] and start with @ followed by the the bibtex-key. Examples

With a reference to (Frank 2009) which is written as "@" followed by "frank09geo".

References which should be inserted in the bibliography but are not cited in the text can be listed as nocite, here @navratil08 (note the need to preceed the bibtex key with @).

The references to (Frank 2014) and (Frank 2009) are given in the biblio and will be listed in the bibliography at the end of the text.

The bibliography styleTypically a csl file.

and the style for reference anchors inserted in the textCheck the Biber manual

can be set in the header.

The title for the reference section is given in the YAML header with reference-section-title: Reference.


Frank, Andrew U. 2009. “Geo-Ontologies Are Scale Dependent (Abstract Only).” In European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2009, Session Knowledge and Ontologies, edited by Tuija Pulkkinen.
———. 2014. “Machbarkeit eines InformaInformations für geographische Daten.” Geoinformation, Technische Universitaet Wien.
Navratil, Gerhard, Farid Karimipour, and Andrew U. Frank. 2008. “Lifting Imprecise Values.” In The European Information Society, edited by Lars Bernard, Anders Friis-Christensen, and Hardy Pundt, 79–94.
Produced with `daino` from Blog/010withRef.html (public, publish) with master7tufte.dtpl.
daino and w3.css